Saturday, January 26, 2013

Welcome & Benefits of Hot Yoga

Howdy and happy Saturday!

Welcome to my blog... This is formally my first blog entry and I'm so glad you're here to read it. I hope you enjoy my journey as I chat about fitness, health, fashion, do it yourself projects, and many more things.

First off, can I just start out by saying... I am so happy that it is almost February! That means we are one month closer to Summer and that is just fabulous in all frames of mind.

Well today I started my day off with an 8:30 AM Hot Yoga class. The teacher that I had was fantastic. She is probably 60+ and back in her day performed with the Boston Ballet as a featured dancer. She is so incredibly in shape, does things that I can't even figure out and she inspires me to become better each class!

There are so many benefits to hot yoga. Some will say no way is hot yoga a cardio workout and it does not give you the intense cardio that you get doing other things... well don't knock it until you try it! The benefits of yoga are truly astonishing and you feel like you lengthened your body by 5 inches when you leave. I feel incredibly strong (and sweaty) and like I can conquer my day in full flight!

Some of the benefits of Hot Power Yoga include:
  • Deep breathing, reflection & relaxation
  • Lowers stress levels & reduces the probability of illness to the body
  • Lowers your heart rate and blood pressure
  • Heat helps you progress into all of your stretches further than if you were just in room temp
  • Increases your flexibility & mobility
  • Aides in weight loss & conscious present thinking (put down that cupcake!)
  • Immune system booster
  • Helps with muscle & joint relief
Now that quite a hefty list of benefits... not to mention you can burn 500-1000 calories in a 1-1.5 hour class... now doesn't that just kick ass!

In my opinion... get out there, try a hot power yoga class... the benefits are amazing and you'll feel like your lengthened your body and cleansed your soul. ;)

no kiddingYoga Inspirationyoga inspiration

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